Just returned from County Down, Northern Ireland. Retrobest wishes for the season and thankyou for reading. A miscellany here of seen, found and received in the time away.
This, given by Micheen, my mother–in–law. A wonderful potter, gardener, cook.
Seashore Life and Pattern by T.A. Stephenson, published by Penguin (1944), from the King Penguin series, edited by Nicholas Pevsner (he of the architectural guides).
A C18th tally stick, with a function similar to that of rosary beads, for Catholic observance of covert, outdoor prayer during the penal era, enforced by the Protestant ruling class.
Christmas Day snow, at -15˚C. We were lucky to dodge the pipe–burstings.

My son Syd slept throughout the time with this chap behind the door in his room. In a corner–of–the–eye way, I couldn't help but think of a half–recalled moment from The Shining.
Thought him a clown but turns out he was a bear.
Perhaps they were mixed by a memory of Barnaby the Bear, his nightmarish but somehow edible features postered on my bedroom wall in 1974.
Daughter Sadie was too busy making to wash.
Recently re-opened, with fascinating (and balanced) sections on The Troubles.