

A growing family of woodblocks for print; the next stage for my Make Do Type.

The type itself has developed inflection, most recently influenced by the stamps and marks of the Deutscher Werkbund and the typography of the Wiener Werkstätte. I think the attitude too.

It's to make prints like this, on an Albion-style relief press at Camberwell. Obviously modular, it allows for growth and on-the-press decisions. The ingredients beyond the type osscilate in and out of figuration. Bits of language referring to, for example, vernacular architectural components such as the row of concrete trellis blocks so familiar from the housing estates of my childhood.

This part is out of a drawing for the novel Solaris, informed too by a Summer on the coast of County Down which oddly made visible the book.

Another Solaris plate, an interpretation of the phenomena thrown up by the living ocean. Something mechanical yet liquid. I have to say that the plates themsleves, now inked, are interesting in themselves and suggest an application to object or furniture.


Chelsea said...

These are so awesome! I love to post process shots for people who are less familiar with how it all happens. Very inspiring!

kindra said...

Really great!

YHBHS said...

nice. want a print!

Peter Nencini said...

Thanks David John! Should be editioning these soon and setting up a web shop. Hope all is well in L.A. and that your course is too.

David Neale said...

these dot my i !
the plates are excellent as objects too.