Back in London after a short research trip to Berlin and lovely, cigale-o-sonic holiday through Montpellier. These images form part of a careful documentation of Direktorenhaus and the spaces Elisa Strozyk and I have chosen as exhibition site. Last week I wrote short statement in response to the rooms and as outset to work now underway.

Direktorenhaus’ second floor rooms, under restoration, bear residue of both the 1935 original detailing and a DDR reskinning over time. In mid-peel, the bureaucratic narrative is somewhat exposed, providing both surface and content.

I propose a family of works filleted, braced, stacked and nestled in the architecture. Ghosts.

In-between inhabitants of the stair well, the notice board, the window box, the panelling lip. The vocabulary borne of intentional and accidental patterns throughout.

Primary, expedient materials: false (laminate) and true (solid) wood, rubber, plastic, ceramic, fabric. Cast, cut, printed, stitched.
Palette: a trade paint colour wheel of pink (peeled), mint (murmured), cream (curdled), peach (palled).
Amazing journey through a buildings history. Just beautiful! Thank -you.
Please call again
This is so brilliant.
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